"Great,"Thes says.He tries to pull it off Z."Ok, we may have to remove your head." "Stupid!"Dem yelled hitting Thes. "I'll get it off,"Chrissa said and took out the tiniest scythe ya ever did see and cut the necklace off."There,"She held it up only to have it jump out of her hands and onto..... THES! "MEN DON'T WEAR NECKLACES!!"Thes yelled. Everyone stared at them. "We better go,"Chrissa said and pushed them all out.
"hey you know we can use that in our magic act....",zirilin says rubbing her neck. *to religh*
"No no no! my stone can't be on a male! I need hot chicks to spy on!" "Sir your tea..." "Skippy get out...." "Yes master..."
*back to the others*
the skool bell rings and as always children explode from the building like soda from a punctured can. spilling from windows and doors alike... you all head home trying to find a way to get the necklace of thes and it hops from girl to girl until it rest on zirilin and turns it's self into a choker. "Now what?",zirilin asks.
If your kissing the black rose where does the blue one go?
"We're going to have to cut your neck off!"Thes yelled,"Great!I finally get a girlfriend, and I have to cut her neck off!" "I think the necklace is like a pet,"Dem piped up.They all looked at her.She had been pretty quite all day."You know, pets allways settle on who they like best.So, we should just get the necklace to hate all of us!" "That is pretty smart,"Thes said after a long pause. "Well, I'm just pretty ticked because I know someone has been spying on us the whole godd*** day,"Chrissa said eyeing the necklace."That means you, you pimp." "Why do you keep calling him a pimp?"Dem asked. "Cause he kissed me,"Chrissa fumed,"Had it not been for Scythe then it would have been my first."
"What??"Thes yells. Chrissa is still fuming, that is until.... "Uh,"Chrissa yalled as a shockwave went through her."I...have to go home now.."She whispered.
Chrissa appeared in her room.She crashed into a bookshelf and started surching desperatly."It's got to be somewhere,"She yelled. She found it and got everything prepaired.
*cries* she walks out into the rain and takes off her jacket. she is now wearing black pants and a sleeveless white shirt. "Religh why are you being so mean?" *he appears and takes off the necklace.* "because it's no fun waiting to be appreciated I want you now. Why can't you just come with me.?" "My lover would not like it if I were taken from him." "I don't care for your lover. I'm your master your other relations are worthless." *He slaps a cold hard collar around her neck and it burns when she trys to remove it.* "Religh please...just don't hurt them..." "I may have to if he touches my property." "Religh..." "How fast you have fallen... come now or they will all die. You know the words i want to hear." "yes master..." A cruel smile crosses his lips and he takes her away. Inside her jacket is a note addressed to thes that says I will always love you ...
-- Edited by reza at 15:07, 2007-04-15
If your kissing the black rose where does the blue one go?
Thes walked outside."Raining again?"Thes sighed."Hm?"He spotted a jacket."Looks like Z's..."He picks it up and a note flutters to the ground. He gasps when he reads it.Cruppling it up he throws it in the trash.
Chrissa took the book in her hands and turned to the page she was looking for."Hmmf, what a pimp,"She muttered."I mean, what idiot would be so stupid.Religh?What kind of name is that?"
Dem ran outside just in time to see her brother running into the street and then disappearing."Great..."She ran back inside and burst into Chrissa's room. "Good, you're here.Come over here.This might hurt."Chrissa took a knife a cut Dem on her finger. "Ow!"Dem yelped. "Ok, here we fo,"Chrissa said and the book burst open eating them. "This is weird,"Dem whispered. "Don't worry, this will find that Religh and there's no way he will know.I only cut you because you and Z have the same blood." "wha???" "You saved her and her blood rubbed off on you.Hmm, Scythe should arrive in 3, 2, 1," Scythe flew into the book and hit Chrisa in the head. "I think you killed her,"Dem said.
*scythe picks up chrissa and says* "I dunno...looks like shes breathing..." then you all get sucked into a swirling vortex.
*with reilgh* "Put this on." *zirilin is being forced to dress in strange clothes.* "yes master..." after the seventh ridiculously stupid dress he holds up something that looks like....(that pic. at the bottom...)the skirt has a large slit and he starts looking for a shirt...and finds....(the next pic.) zirilin looks punky....
((PERVERT!!!!!!!)) "Ow,what's with this vortex...,"Dem poked Chrissa."Great, you killed our guide to this book."She picked Chrissa up."Irk, how'd she get so light?She feels like a freaken stick."She shook Chrissa,"Why won't you wake up????" Chrissa's face was blank as if her face was a closed door."Well, I wonder where Thes is..."Dem muttered.
Thes ran down a dark corridor."No one has spotted me yet,"He said and jumped up a flight of stairs."It can't be that easy."He spoke to soon.
The vortex lands in a central hall. waterfalls surround this room ,and filter down to the bath houses . you run trough the hall ways until you find a door leading out to a long hallway. you are now in venolicum palace...
*back with religh...* "Religh NO!" "Oh come on just put it on!" "NO!" "You know you want to..." Zirilin is now wearing a short red dress...Oh my...whats that white towel he's holding? you mean thats a dress? Oh...no wonder she's running... *Zirilin burst trough the door and runs down a hallway.* "It's not that ugly is it? may be she noticed they were getting shorter...Come back here!" *he chases her and grabs her red dress . after getting bitten in the neck and scratched across his face he trows her in a bath house and walks off.* "BEHAVE FOR ONCE YOU LITTLE- " *then he storms off...* *zirilin takes a bath and dresses into the white...thing he dropped...it really wasn't that bad...*
If your kissing the black rose where does the blue one go?
((PERVERRTTT!!!!!!)) Chrissa floats in the water as Dem screams and runs around all the while getting burned by the water. :l
Thes runs down another corridor and busts open only to see.....Z! "OMG!!!"He runs back out while covering his eyes.He took a deep breath and knocked on the door."Um...., WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WEARING?!??!"
"What the f*** are you wearing??Not that it isn't good...." In that moment, Dem came screaming down the hallway. "IT BURNS!!!!!!!!!!!!"She yelled. Chrissa is somewhere...O.o
"It's some kind of toga...Good thing I'm wearing it for you and not....religh....Hi.." Religh laughs a little and grabs Zirilin. "you got her to wear it. I'm surprised..."
If your kissing the black rose where does the blue one go?
"Hmmf,"A boy followed Religh down the hallway like a duck...O.O
((just pretend he's like an assistent or something...I dunno...)) Chrissa is somewhere....O.O "I'll kill you!"Thes yelled. "Where's Scythe and Chrissa?"Dem asked and jumped onto Z's back."Boo!!"She yelled at Religh,"You suck." MIR jumped out from inside Thes's jacket. "Holy-"Thes yelled. MIR looked at him.Then she looked at Religh. "Who da freak??"She yelled.
The boy falls back startled and runs off...to get a blaster cannon... "Thes!" , zirilin screams before reilgh can stop her with his lips. "Your mine let's not forget this." "Sire I'm back with the cannon!" "Good Bartolami (BAR- Tol- la-me) NOW GET MY DAGGER!"
If your kissing the black rose where does the blue one go?
"Great,"Chrissa yelled from behind the boy."My ex. has joined the party."She kicked his head causing Bartolami to slam into the ground."Fun."She smirked."Oh, how sweet,"She flew over the Religh,"An a**hole.Hmmm." "What's with her?"Thes asked. "I think she got hit on the head to hard..."Dem muttered.
Bartolami slowly gets up and throws the dagger at Religh's head."I'm sick and tired of it."He yelled. Thes smacks Religh's hand away and grabs Z."Run!" Chrissa grabs Bartolami and Scythe and Dem grabs Thes and Z.
You all jump trough another vortex and wind up in you living room. Reilgh tries to follow,but zirilin pushes him into the closing vortex. At the same time the vortex on his end closes. He wanders the dimensions until....he comes to a room...a room with a moose.
If your kissing the black rose where does the blue one go?
((Hahaha)) Chrissa sighed and brushed herself off."It always has to be this way,"She muttered. Thes looked at her funny but ignored the comment."Soooo, what now?Don't we have that magic to do?"He asked. "OH!!!Chrissa, I need your help with something!"Dem yelled. "Wha-"Chrissa couldn't finish do to the fact that she had been yanked across the room and to Dem's room.
"Meh, bored,"Thes replied."You know where Z went off to?"
Meanwhile: Dem and Chrissa walked down the hallway chattin it up and such. "I guess,"Dem said and bumped into Z. Chrissa stared as Z and Dem fell to the floor. "You ok?"Chrissa asked and helped them up. ((soo....am I playin Bartolami or are you?))
(You created him...I named him....you tell me...) "Yeah I'm good...where's thes I wanted to go over our act."
"I don't know...",Scythe says. He hands thes some thing. As he looks at it he realizes it's and arm band...(he should ask Zirilin what the strange symbols on it mean...hint hint wink wink...)
If your kissing the black rose where does the blue one go?
((hmmm....I guess I'll play Bartolami)) "I dunno,"Dem said,"He's always off somewhere.Give me a sec. I'll ask."Dem talked into her comunicator,"Yo, Thes, ya there?" A faint crackle came on the other line,"Yah?What's up?Hey, do ya know where Z is?"Thes asked "She's here with me and Xa,"dem said. "Who?"Thes asked. "My nickname for Chrissa,"Dem said. "Ohh....Okay, where are you guys?"
Thes runs over to Z."I can't have you picking the song without me!You might pick something stupid." "Hey, Xa, whos this Bologna guy?"Dem asks. "Bartolami,"Thes corrected. "Shutup,"Dem yelled.
Meanwhile: "So, are you dating Chrissa, or what?"Bartolami asked Scythe.