Chrissa grabbed his arm and smiled, "This is going to be fun." Bartolami was about to run off when Dem grabbed his arm and pulled him over to Chrissa. "I don't care about our act," Dem said, "as long as we put these two in an act together."
"DEAR ZARGOGIAN LAMB, I'M ON FIRE!" Bartolami screamed. Dem blasted him with a fire extinguisher and walked away. "That's it," Chrissa yelled, "I tried to be nice about it but now I'm mad." She grabbed his neck. "I could just squeeze you!!!" "Anger manigment, much," Dem asked. "It's so nice," Bartolami said, still covered with foam.
yes z. what are you doing,scythe asks. saveing your bunnies and....*zir forces scythe into a jester costume.* seeing if this fits.... thes...ware this please? *hands him a old fashion tux and top hat.*
If your kissing the black rose where does the blue one go?
"Hm, oh, she said something about tacos and ran off," Dem said, tilting her head upwoards, trying to get a glimpse of Thes, "She might be at the cray taco in her cow suit."
"Foxy," Dem screamed and grabbed Xel, "Awwww, you are sooooooo, cuute!!" She raved. "Your making a scene," Chrissa remarked. "What is this?" Bartolami asked.
"Oh crap," Dem yelled. "They'll blow our cover!" Chrissa hissed. "That looks like fun!" Bartolami said and rushed over only to start kicking the taco man.
"Grandpa?" Dem yelled, or as bestas she could because her mouth was stuffed with tacos. "What?" Bartolami stopped kicking the taco man and sniffed the air. "Ew, what's that disgusting smell?" He covered his nose and furrowed his eyebrow. "Bleck." "You guys, gah, I don't feel so hot," Chrissa said, her cheeks puffing out, trying to keep herself from hurling.
(why?0.0) *zir stops after dumping bakeing soda on the old man...* well hello zirilin daughter of solfage morega. -dark booty spent more time in the study of other planets then just with the moblie ones...infact one off the reasons he's been with the swollen eye balls was because he was ubducted...he really is zirs grand something or this story at least.-booty said. thank you for remebering the father zovail.well you guys this is my conection to earth! he help out when we were captured by the pain to look at's! (swollon eye balls) *zir then starts exsplaneing a bunch of things you couldn't possibliy under stand...* ...and that is how i'm related to him...
If your kissing the black rose where does the blue one go?
Dem watched bored and Thes was eating tacos. Bartolami was sitting with Chrissa next to him. Chrissa sighed, "So, um, how has it been? With Religh and all...."
( I'll take over for now) " Oh you mean reilgh?he wasn't much to me. I guess I'm better off with out the guy." back with zir. "you smell a bit beter..." *dib runs up* "hello dark booty...what are you doing with zir?"
If your kissing the black rose where does the blue one go?
*stops to watch zir run after thes. then realizes chrissa's talking.* "what? why?",sythe is confused ... "whatever it is I don't care. you know if i can't love you I can't hold on to the thought of it purely out of desire. Bart has talked to me. may be i haven't made it aparent ,but i do love you. maybe it's to much for you to take at once, but now that i've said it I won't take it back of hide it." If bart is the one you want at least be happy with your dession.And if i have to fight so be it."
-- Edited by reza at 19:21, 2007-07-29
If your kissing the black rose where does the blue one go?
((yay.. I'm home! That is, for now. I'll be going back tommorow)) Bartolami stood up and cracked his knuckles. "Fun, fun." Thes runs back over, panting. "Make her leave me alone!!!" He yelled. "I need my space!!!" He grabbed chrissa and shoved her into Z. "Wait!" Chrissa said. She reached over to grab Bartolami, but he had already moved to throw the first punch.
At this point things for both zir and scythe are paused. "what a beut.",sythe mutters. "yeah. wonderful power to have isn't it?" "yep. so think I should hang him from a tree or some thing?" "nah."*zir walks around chrissa who's paused exspression is a thats she's infront of thes she starts kicking him in the v of his legs.* "isn't that playing dirty zir?" "sure it is but he can't feel it...yet.gezz thes just SAY- I- NEED- SOME -ROOM." *punctuated with kicks.* *scythe puts his hand around Balona's and gets ready to fight." as soon as time resumes zir runs away and scythe flips bart over his shoulder."you really picked the perfect moment to mess with me. "
If your kissing the black rose where does the blue one go?
"What the hell?" Bartolami yelled. "Dear irk it hurts!" Thes yelled and collapsed. Chrissa stared at Thes and then Z. "Why did you do that?" She asked. She was yelling now, "Why is it that everyone wants to pick fights?!?!" "Yah?" Dem yelled. MIR stopped playing. "Master is battle ready," She said. "Master, when must I attack??" "Now," Dem said. Bombs decided to go everywhere from MIR's head!! Yayy!!!
"XELLLLL! HYDROLIC SYSTEM ( CODE F)",zir yels and pauses time again. now xel and sythe are the only other people who can move.sythe, zir and xel hurry around in hyperspeed gathering the bombs. they put them all in a big ball thing lauch it in to space and the pitiful earth inhabitants were saved.
no not really but that would have been nice... IF ONLY!!!
"IS THIS BETRAYAL?" ,zir yells. "scythe! B.L.A.C.K.S.H.E.E.P!" *scythes fly from xel exsploding the bombs.* "YOU!",zir yells pointing at Dem. "WHAT THE F*** were you thinking?This wasn't ment to be some huge battle. BUT IF YOU WANT ME TO KILL YOUR @$$ I F***ING WILL!"*zir starts beating dem. dem beats zir . sythe jumps bart. thes drags himself away. and chrissa sits there wishing she weren't surounded by idiots.* (am I right or what?)
If only...they had realised... that out drifting in space was... a peice of chicken... NO PAST THAT YOU FOOL!... The ship... Bloodmoon with it's crew of planet pivigeing pirates.(say that 3 times fast.)
If your kissing the black rose where does the blue one go?
Thes hissed, "Well, you people have managed to get us noticed and beat the living crap out of me. Hooray, are the police going to take me to the safe place now?" Chrissa watched in dismay then glared. She spoke her voice cold, "Ok, first off, Dem get off Zirilin and vise versa. Thes, you coward, come over here and help me," Chrissa ordered. Now, just a note, she only uses Z's full name when she's really ticked. "Scythe," She wispered, "I really, really like you.. I'm just..," She looked up as if searching the air for the perfect word, "confused. Ok? Give me some time. Bartolami, fight him if you must, but I won't aprove. If any of you dare kill eachother then there is no freaken way I'm ever dating or having another relationship ever again. Let's go home, Thes, activate plan 3.8, escape 2." "Don't you mean do whatever you can to get the freak away from the cops?" He asked. "Yessss," She hissed. "Moment killer," Dem snickered. Thes grabbed Z, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and dissapeared, "I have my own personal bubble." He said, "Nothin against ya." Dem grabbed MIR and XEL and took off toward the house. Last, there was Chrissa, Scythe, and Bartolami. Chrissa started walking home.
*inside zir's head(WTF GAAAAAH)* *scythe walks off and bart follows chrissa ,after all she's what he's conserned about.* "Huh...could have fooled me..." *scythe stayed around and screamed about alien's wich actually helped to get rid of the cops.*
MEANWHILE IN THE DARK ABYSS OF SPACE.....(couldn't help myself...:)
"Captain leveir." "what?!"* the nervous pirate points at earth.* "good good... set sail..."
If your kissing the black rose where does the blue one go?
"Well, flip that, there's no way we can do the act now," Dem said. She took in a deep breath, "CHRISSA, GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND HELP ME HERE!" "Pfft, stop whining," Chrissa said. Her hair was a mess. She yawned. "Why... did.. you.. wake.. me... up?" She asked in a dangerously sweet tone. "Help me find a song on the internet," dem said smiling. "No, sorry, get Thes or Z to do it, I'm really tired," She yawned, " I can't figure out why, though. It's strange." "Fine," Dem huffed, "Heyyy, Z, help me find a song!" Dem said.
((you posted that 3 times...O.o Oh, if you could be so kind as to list the song and artist, thank-you. Maybe even REMOVE the artist from the sentence. I don't think there's a band called 'some kind of Queen'. Are you talking about the band Queen?!?!??!Dx)) "Ok," Dem muttered. Chrissa walked over, "Here, 'Le Disko,' by Shiny Toy Guns. It fits your personality," She murmered and slumped onto the floor asleep. "Z???" Thes yelled, "You know it's sorta hard to do an act when your girlfriend just walked off somewhere with her ex..... With.. Her.. Ex?" He twitched. "DEAR IRK, IS SHE CHEATING?!?!" Chrissa hit him over the head, her eyes still closed, "Idiot, she's much more loyal then that," She whispered and fell back on the floor.
(slaps you with a fish. ((you are so very strange...yes I'm talking about "the band" queen.)) "so..." "ssssoooo?",zir replies to scythe. "what the heck are we doing" "well ... Jester or or wizard or drag queen or male-" "you can stop there thank you very much ,what are you talking about." "what are you going to be???" "you mean like costume-wize? I'll ware some pant's and whatever else you give me as long as it's flame resistent." "eh. okay.hey where's thes???" "I don't care.I MEAN ,i don't know ,but ..." "what?" "It's not like he's freaking out cause he's not watching your every move right? I mean he was all 'AHHHH GET HER AWAY FROM ME!'" "I geuss...he needs to get his bunnies in her any way."
If your kissing the black rose where does the blue one go?