"YOU WERE SUPPOST TO DO WHAT?!?!!?!?"Dem yelled. "Multiply. With his strenghth, power, and strenghth plus my wisdom, power, and strenghth are offspring would be unstoppable.That's why I went out of control and got frozen..,"Chrissa sighed. Dem twitched and Thes fell over laughing his a** off. "What?"Chrissa asked. "Never mind!!!"Dem screamed.
Meanwhile: "You don't want to know.The Irkens are one f***ed up race."
"Well, we'll just have to see about that,"Bartolami muttered.
Meanwhile: "Well, I sence there's something stressing Bartolami," Chrissa said."I must make my leave and all that jazz."Chrissa walked away. "Is it just me or is she talkin weird?"Dem asked.
Mean While : zirilin and thes are at zims house. "Is it ready?" "YES! It is..." Zim pulls away a curtain to show a large metallic box... "It's perfect you truly are amazing zim." "Yes yes I am..." Xel, Mir, and Gir are playing in the back round...
-- Edited by reza at 15:57, 2007-04-28
If your kissing the black rose where does the blue one go?
"WHAT IS IT?"Thes yelled, shaking the box. Some jumps out from behind a curtain. "BERRIES AND CREAM, BERRIES AND CREAM!I'M A LITTLE LAD WHO LOVES BERRIES AND CRRRREEEEAAAAMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Thes shoots the kid."Die."
"IT-wait....what?"Dem said and shook the water off."Why am I not burning?!?!"Dem yelled."Not that I want to." "You better be glad I was here to prevent that,"Chrissa muttered.
Thes nodded slightly and climbed off Z's back."My bad,"He said and smiled. "We should have a club or something,"Chrissa whispered to Z. "I wish my Dibby would do that to me!!!"Dem cried.
"Whatever," He muttered. "Dude, your so, going to become a apethetic," Bartalomi said.
"Like me," Chrissa retorted yet again.
Dem stared at her, mystified. She walked over to Dib."Do you think alien hormones get out of wack when they're on a strange planet for to long?!?!?"She yelled/asked him.
Dem stared. "Why is everyone going to their room?!!?!" "I'm goin to my room," Thes grunted. "I hate you," Dem said, glaring at Thes."Guess it's just you and me, Bartolami." "I'm going to go ask Chrissa if she hates Schythe yet." "Where is Schythe??" Dem asked.
"Stupid excuse for a living organism," Bartolami muttered. "Does that taste good?" Dem asked. Thes walks in and stares for a moment.. "MY SQUID!" Thes yells and attacks Scythe.
*Bartolami exsplodes*....ahahahaha....*you can see zir as cubby cat like toddler and him offering a toy to her. it is one of his tresured child hood memories Zir takes it a chews a bit huging him. *Awwww.
If your kissing the black rose where does the blue one go?
Dem ran over and grabbed Scythe, "You're so cweeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwtttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled. "Enough fun, bring Bartolami back before I get angry," Chrissa said and her scythe shooted into her hand. "I really don't have time for reminissing." "What's her problem?" Thes asked.
*scythe is none responsive.* Sveilis renoram levious. Sycthe. Wake.* the black fades amd scythe is left on the floor. * *zir walks off and works on her act.*
If your kissing the black rose where does the blue one go?
"Wakey, wakey!" Dem yells. Bartolami falls onto his butt. "Hey!" Dem yelled, "I have an idea!" She yelled and grabbed Scythe's and Bartolami's hands. "You two can join the talent show together!"