(go to your profile and click on edit... go to sighnature and in the text box where u have THE PIE AND GIR SHALL RULE ALL!!!!!!!!!!!! The DOOMEH_DOOM has spoken. do this...
Dem:Its a flippin robot!!!*throws something onto the robot Red*
The robot Red's head opens up to reveal a message.It had Red on a screan.
Red:HA!You fell for my plan!No wonder your not the tallest any more!Now your going to die!!*the robot turns into a huge mechanical monster and starts attacking every one*
Dem:*holds your foot up and throws you*DON'T DO THAT AGAIN, OR I'LL KILL YOU!!!!I GET TO KILL RED!!!!!!!!!!*throws a black orb at you and it blows up in your face*
Transmission stated: hello and congrats u hav been in vited tobeing an invader just go ask purple you leader and he will give u a planet to concor!!!! tak: **** yeah!!!!! End.
i think tak will go to purple and ask to be an invader... he will say no she will get mad and injur him and he will go to the hospital and we will kill him the and we willl win and then prank people torture people on earth.... and never answer zims calls!