I know this goes against every thing I stand for, BUT I'm going to ask anyways.If you were to choose any Invader Zim characters to hook up who would they be?
Dib and Tak make sence.When she was on earth ,Tak spent alot of time with Dib.Some people think that Zim and Gaz should be together because they both hate humanity.The question is that can a human and an irken love each other?I mean is it posible?When you think about it it can be a very hard question.If you go to http://www.fanfiction.net/l/951/3/0/1/1/0/2572/2569/0/0/1/
Little known fact: Season 4 story arc was planned the week Jhonen created ZIM. The following is a quote (or something along those lines) from season 4, epsiode 1:
ZIM: No GIR. Not today, I'm not. Nor any day. I'm through trying to destroy the umans. They've grown on me. Earth is my home. An I truly do love it.
Fun fact: Mutant gerbils have conquered Montie Python. ZIM is not a Montie Python. Or a gerbil.
Dib and Tak make sence.When she was on earth ,Tak spent alot of time with Dib.Some people think that Zim and Gaz should be together because they both hate humanity.The question is that can a human and an irken love each other?I mean is it posible?When you think about it it can be a very hard question.If you go to http://www.fanfiction.net/l/951/3/0/1/1/0/2572/2569/0/0/1/ some people think it is VERY posible. I've heard about minimoose+Mimi it sounds cool.
I'm all for ZAGR (and if you watch closely, Jhonen maybe too), but, whoah! I did write a ZAGR thing once... It was in a Super Smash Bros. comic featuring ZIM and Gaz. It was called "Stupid rescue, even dumber romance"
I quit and gave my compy away 1/4 of the way through.
Time for a comic... <If you ever, ever ask her out again, I will. <No idea what the crap you're talking about. ---- Ah, dang. That's from my upvcoming flash series called IZ_emails.IRK!!! I gave away part of number one!!!!!
Well a lot of people talk about Gaz being half irken,turning irken in some freak accident, or asking some one to change her into irken.....or something like that.
you can get the smilies at the very top where it says Posting Smilies...click that and click on invader zim...the zimatars smilies are the old ones of old users...
THEY WOULD NEVER DO THAT!!! SHE IS AN ALIEN! ( I am talkin' about Dib and Tak by the way... )
Not to mention that Dib is mine, and he loves me, yes he does.
-- Edited by IZSBHR at 00:26, 2006-08-06
Dib : " You can't make me look, I'll just shut my eyes! "
Zim : " Oh, you'll look, you have to breath sometime..."
Dib : " No I - Wait, what do eyes have to do with breathing? ".
ZAGR is a nbot-so-frequent secret running gag in the show. Jhonen may have slipped it in, or the mischevious animators and Rob Hummel. I think that it was Jhonen. The one episode that definately had ZAGR has no DVD commentary! Then, of course, in Gaz: Taster of Pork, t\Gaz has a bunch of stuffed animal security. There is only one that stays where it is, next to her bed. It's ZIM in a bear suit. As a stuffed animal...
I don't want any Zim characters to love, it would make the show filled with bad Star Wars Attack of the Clones-ish love lines, like Dib comparing Tak's hair to the slide.
Meatloaf and Gir rule the world!!!yep i am meatloaf i rule the world me&gir are best buds yes that is right you heard it best buds insane in the mebrane
Alright, ZIM+GIR, no. ZIM thinks of GIR as a little brother.
And there is romance in the show. Subtle. Mostly Gaz+ZIM. Kobb, I agree that that would be awful, however, Jhonen makes romance exciting and not corny, crappy, "Oh, ZIM, --" [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
Yes, well, Jhonen wouldn't do that, he would have a struggle in romance.
In JtHM, there was romance. The main character, under influence of these wierd powers, almost kills the girl he loves, and the whole adventure starts from there.
I know, but I would still be a bit disappointed that Zim would love. It's waaaaaaaaaay out of character for Zim and even more out of character for Gaz.
Kobb wrote: I know, but I would still be a bit disappointed that Zim would love. It's waaaaaaaaaay out of character for Zim and even more out of character for Gaz.
Not true. ZIM hit on at least 2 girls. In Hobo 13's antimatic, he hits on Crystal.
In Frycook, He says "So I says to her, hey, you want soma this? And she says, she says, right back at me..."
As for Gaz, she loves her father. And I think ZIM, too, because I gots BLURRY PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE!!!!
Hitting on someone isn't really love. It's more of a crush, but love is when both people share the same feelings for each other.
And I already know the photograph your talking about, that isn't really evedince, more of an urban legend of myth.
And by out-of-character, I mean I doubt Zim would like a human.
As for Gaz, I did see something kinda weird in The Wettning. Right when DIb splashed Zim and Gaz (first time) It showed zim rolling in pain and then Gaz looking oddly mad at Dib. I know she's mad because Dib splashed her, but it looked a bit like she was mad at Dib for splashing ZIM.
They both hate Dib a lot.Gaz hate Dib because he never shuts up, and Zim hates Dib because he keeps interfering with his plans.Though they never seem to work out...
I think Gaz and Zim would make a nice couple, and yeah, I saw where Gaz looked even MORE upset at Dib for hurtin' Zim with the water....and when Dib and Gaz were eatin' pizza, Gaz waved at Zim and Zim smilled a little....oh, and Gaz laughed when Zim poured punch on Dib at parent-teacher night, though it could've just been because Dib got mad about that....
Gaz and Zim should be a couple, but Dib is mine, mine , mine, MINE!
Dib : " You can't make me look, I'll just shut my eyes! "
Zim : " Oh, you'll look, you have to breath sometime..."
Dib : " No I - Wait, what do eyes have to do with breathing? ".
Dib and Tak make a horrible couple. Dib would never date someone who was Irken, and Tak would never date at all, nevertheless a human!
Besides, Dib loves me!
Dib : " You can't make me look, I'll just shut my eyes! "
Zim : " Oh, you'll look, you have to breath sometime..."
Dib : " No I - Wait, what do eyes have to do with breathing? ".