This game did well as a mere internet Demo and did even better as a full console game. I, for one, loved this game so much. It was fun, challenging, hilarious, and actiony! For those who don't know the game, go here. Anybod else a fan of this awesome game?
If you check out the site, you can tell the game greatly improved on consoles! Also, in the console version, you have grenades, alot of different weapons, and shields(except on HArd mode)!
Ah yes, Alien Hominid. One of the best games on Newgrounds. I havn't played the console version though. The stores where I live seem to have a grudge against this game, then never have it in.
Yes they never have it...because it is a very popular game.
No, I ment they don't advertise it. They never have it in. The employees have no idea what it is. The video game rental stores never bought it. It's not gone because it sells fast, it's gone cause it never existed in the store. Also, EGM said that? They aren't just fiends, there evil fiends!
GIR wrote: Yes they never have it...because it is a very popular game. No, I ment they don't advertise it. They never have it in. The employees have no idea what it is. The video game rental stores never bought it. It's not gone because it sells fast, it's gone cause it never existed in the store.
Wow. Just like Metal slug 4 & 5 for PS2. Except Gamestop. They actually had them when nowhere else didn't.