Either he is a can-able Or because he likes muffens like me!
Which came first the Idoit or the insane?
Because it is made of Bolts and metal
Why is a Computer called a Machine?
Becaused Fried Chicken Is Made From Smurfs
Why did I just say that?
Because it is filled with tuna a jelly
Why is time called ,uhhhh oh yeah, time?
No, of course not, it was the Jelly Donut who ate it
How come the earth is flat?
It was a famous movie that the Arabians like to watch in the year 12BC
What is a the word word?
The King Of England
Who is the Grim Reaper?
It means teleporting
What do hustlers do?
Because they are blue, and everyone likes blue
Why did the monkey cross the road?
Because they are chinese
Why is a smilie a chinese metaphor?
Because they are lactose intolerant, and the effects of the allergic reation will make them radioactive, then they will become spiderman
What is A internet Forum?
Our Savior
what is a computer?
The King Of France
Why is a person a human?
Galactic Penis Association
Why is there an I in team?
Because Palpatine is the Sith Lord we have been looking for.
what is juice?
The Chinese Produce them in Mass Quantitys
What is a Moose?
The Queen ant, it is a chinese ant, and that is why there is so many chinese.
What is a Cat?
A conspiarcy
What is a Mother?
Because we are our memory
Who is Washington?
Jurrasic Park
What is a Dinosaur?
Vinereal Instigation Pass
What does TMI mean?
The Dude That keeps Stealing From Us
What is money?
The stuff we eat, made from santas digested stuff.
What is a dog?
Thingys that fly in the sky
What is a sky?