If I wanna colour a drawing but I'm scared of wrecking it I make a photocopy of it and keep the original (in case I want to alter it later) and colour the copy.
=D Rly? That's what I tend to do too! (If it's one of those pictures that I just lurve or if it's a request for a friend... I HATE giving out originals)
Bist du mein(e) fruend(in)? ;-; Bitte sagen ja... bitte?
Sure! I gots a whole list of requests to get to still tho... ^^; But go ahead (even tho you might be waiting a long time for it... it depends on what mood I'm in)!
Bist du mein(e) fruend(in)? ;-; Bitte sagen ja... bitte?
Ok, well... can you please do a picture of a female Irken standing, with her arms reaching up, and she's got kinda bat wings spreading from her back??? (PS, can the wings only have three finger-bone things please???)
ok, you should probably do a bunch when they're fighting. You know, battle poses. It would be cool, and you can exercise your drawing skills! Just a suggestion......xD