People support slash but as you know they suck and want to mess up the creater's work. This is for all of you who wants to ban slash... no more questions! now please tell us your opinion on Invader Zim Slashes or Romances....
I don't like these slash romances... especially ZADR and RAPR!!! I mean really... we don't need two guys - especially mortal enemies - who are... erm... u know. |=
Bist du mein(e) fruend(in)? ;-; Bitte sagen ja... bitte?
Yeah... It just... No. I would be all for ZAGR except Zim is Irken and Gaz is human. That could get very complicated very quickly. But Jhonen's characters tend to have bad romances. Remember Devi? She just had bad boyfriend after bad boyfriend until Nny pulls a knife on her and she stops leaving her house. And Tess? Same problem. Although she didn't react as badly as Devi. I dunno. I don't like ZAGR myself but I wouldn't want to take it away from people like DOOMEH_DOOM who do like it and enjoy it. I think it should stay and if you don't like it then just don't read it. Problem solved.
Erm... down with slash? *late late response and realization*
Sorry, isn't the show already done and made? Jhonen isn't coming over to our houses and chewing us out for pairing up Zim and Dib or Red and Purple (and personally, I prefer pairing up Red and Purple). In fact, I don't think he really gives a damn anymore about what we do. Besides, we aren't really messing up the show because it's already out. We're all just going off what's there and playing around in the fandom.
I'm also gonna say one last thing... there's no such thing as a true fan. Too many people with that title and it begins grating my nerves... seriously.
So, yeah. I think if we were screwing up the show, we're not the animators, writers, or voice actors for it, so how are we tampering with the actual thing? =/ That's what baffles me when people say that the slash or mary/gary-sues or AUs are making everything wrong. It's just imagination.
I don't like these slash romances... especially ZADR and RAPR!!! I mean really... we don't need two guys - especially mortal enemies - who are... erm... u know. |=
(Looks at horrible, old post above X_X)
O___O Opinions change, you know?
Overall though, I still don't like ZADR, but RAPR, eh... that's another story. XD I don't really care for IZ Romances all that much... but, some of the pictures out there/stories are way too cute to pass by. =) I don't really mind it all that much anymore. RAPR I'm okay w/now, not a huge fan, but ZADR I'm still... eh... bleh. XD
*Agrees w/ShadowDawn about screwing w/the show officially, and especially about true fans DX*
Bist du mein(e) fruend(in)? ;-; Bitte sagen ja... bitte?
LAWL. *agrees with Kalliah* If I had joined this forum 2 years ago, I would've been on here screaming "DOWN WITH PAIRINGS! RAPR CAN BURN IN HELL!" but over that summer, things changed... drastically. XDDD
True fans, they're just severe purists... ._. they all end up ragging on people who "mutilate" the show. XD
Well, last year I would have been raving on about how bad Zim pairings are, but now I just think that it's other people's way of enjoying Zim. Just because it's not my way doesn't mean it's wrong, it's just different. I don't support Zim couples, but I'm not going to try to stop them at all.