So what do you think about global warming/climate change??? What about the energy crisis??? Oil reserves running out??? What about mineral reserves??? In your eyes just how much trouble are we in???
eh..., a s***load of trouble, I suppose. The world will probably end in thirty years so until then... ~~~~We PARTAY HARTAY!!!!~~~~ o.O I don't take anything seriously enough....
No. Really. I honestly believe that we've gone so far that the only way to save our race is for it to be destroyed. My dad says that it'll be our generation who will save the world (I think he wants me to get everyone to do so. Too bad I actually welcome the whole human annihilation thing. Hehe) but I think it'll be our generation who brings the species to its knees. I shall neither hasten nor stall the enevitable.
Well, to be quite truthful, I am afraid of death. I guess I'll have to get up off my butt and do something to stop global warming before we're all screwed more than usual. O__o
the end will come eventually, theres no way for a few smart people to save millions of brainless idiots.but thats just it. we kill our selfs. others. we live in pure destruction. yet as long as it doesn't effect us derectly we can ignore it. thats why we are such a foolish race. nothing last forever.why should this self destructive world?
If your kissing the black rose where does the blue one go?
Meh. Global Warming is a myth invented by hippies to cover the fact that they are dendrophyliacs (don't ask). There is no Global Warming. Yes the Earth is getting warmer but that is because we are still coming out of the last ice age faster than before. Oh GREAT!!! Its MECHA-GORILLASAUR! He'll destroy us all!!! AHHHH!!! You fractured my platypus! All gone. As said by George Bush: "Pollution isn't killing the planet. It is toxins in our air and water that is doing it." And if it will help. My giant 'splody flying ninja raccoons will save us by killing us all.
I think that when you die thats it. you don't go anywhere (except in to the earth and the wildlife and plant life) but thats it. who cares what we do to the earth it's the next generations problem not ours (thats what the last generation said). the earth is headed into one massive nuclear explosion if you ask me. we all have (excluding small places like NZ) nukes pointed at each other and one day someones gonna hit the fire buttons and BOOM the world just got hit with the fallout winter that will kill everything and keep it dead or mutate it for the next 5000 or so years if the planet doesn't explode into tiny pieces which get eaten by a giant space dragon mongoose dog raccoon cross or become part of the diamond that is almost as big as the moon that is floating around in space just out of our reach. OOOO a MUFFIN!!! *does the muffin dance but swallows a raccoon instead of the muffin*
you are very right. its not like people who die can tell s what happens when we die. cause their already dead. i have this thing where i have always wanted to have agonizing death...
well our generation is doing quite badly so i just hope it doesnt get worse as the generations go higher, which they probly do... so 10 generations from now... i don't even want to think what it'll be like...
don't worry, they probly part of problem not that they be bad, but they wont know any different. they will hear myths about our generation but they wont really care...
i am so gonna put this pathetic race out of its misery by writing a virus to detonate all warheads on the planet, thereby destroying it and us. *realizes that he can't write a simple calculator program, let alone a warhead 'slpody virus* meh maybe if i eat lots of muffins and tacos i will be able to use my emissions to make the ozone hole 500% larger NATURAL GASES FOR ALL!!!!
Hey guess what! The newest addition to the "possibly extinct" list is the Yangtze river dolphin, or baiji. This follows a six-week search that failed to find even one dolphin. Two boats travelled independantly up and down the river in November and December 2006. In the late 1990's Chinese scientists estimated that there could be as few as 13 left. The decline in their numbers is mainly due to the fact that they often get caught in fishermen's nets.
D= Holy COWS 107??? *faints* I KNOWS that ain't normal. DX We have some weird weather here for Summer too - abrupt thunderstorms that just come and go and abrupt freezing temperatures. DX
Bist du mein(e) fruend(in)? ;-; Bitte sagen ja... bitte?
mmmmmmm.... human flesh.....wait. We ain't on the topic of global warming anymore are we. umm...stop...ummm...polluting and
well to you killing and evil stuff is all you care about so global warming and pollution and all that stuff is just doing your work for you but you die to... but i don't think you care...
i care about this|..| much.... ha, I'll be long gone from this miserable planet before any stupid warming palnet kills me, plus my orbital sun beamy satellite will let me act like a giant kid with a magnifying glass and the planet will be the ant hill and you will all be my ants unless i decide otherwise.