I'm trying out a new animation style called fbf-- just saying.
I'm seriously desperate, and in need of help.
Mic scratchy, voice hoarse...
Eevil: Oh man, we are not going to pass up this opportunity.
Linzina (I did her line, but if you can do better...): Took you long enough.
Alien Boy: Sorry...
KRaze: Yeah!
Alien Boy: To class!!!
Eevil: Alien Boy...
Alien Boy: Eevil.
Eevil: Now we'll finally conquer this planet!
AB(Alien Boy): How?
Eevil: We... will?
Alien Boy: NOW, to class!
AB: Zegorazni?!
Eevil: Alien Boy is mine to kill. Hand him over.
Eevil: That was easy.
AB: Come back for more?
Kraze: Do I EVER get to have any fun?
AB: YOu can help us stuff them into trash cans if you want!
(I got the rest of the voices covered)
Thanks! ---------------------
Kraze is pronounced Krah-ez, not krayzee.
Zegorazni is phonetic. (Zeg-or-azz-nee)
Eevil is pronounced evil with an emphisis on the E.
Eevil has a slightly British accent (No offence to anyone British, but when my friend first did the voice in a British accent, I thought it was perfect).