Well no one here knows but its butcher's birthday! Butcher is my italian greyhound dog! He is 42 in dogyears todoay for those who suck at math he is 6 in our years. I took some pictures of him. TADA!!
I used to have a hamster. 7 years old. died of old age. *sniff* I can almost feel his agressive bites on my nose... oh wait that a SCORPIAN!!!! OH GOD GET THIS THING OFFA ME!!!!!!
*scorpian jumps off nose*
*drags himself over to julian*
hurry!!! suck out da poisen like in da movies. HURRY!!! AH GOD THE PAIN!!!
*scorpian jumps into mouth and hurls down IZ's througt*
*scorpian peirces stomach wall*
*scorpian jumps out of hole*
*dies on floor*
GIR: wait if you destroy dib in the past that means he wont ever be your enemy. then you wont have to send a giantrobot back to destroy him - and then he - WILL be your enemy so you will have to send a robot BACK - (head explodes)
GIR: wait if you destroy dib in the past that means he wont ever be your enemy. then you wont have to send a giantrobot back to destroy him - and then he - WILL be your enemy so you will have to send a robot BACK - (head explodes)