Here is another one of my horrible fanfics. Just kidding, err, well, here it is:
Chapter 1: Overthrown
The Tallest are seen in a small room looking out into the midst of a space battle with a group of rebellious Smorkans. They were comfortably laying on 2 floating lounge beds, drinking sodas and eating tacos. They were throwing little mini unbrellas and coconuts at Irken Elites, and were laughing constantly. Finally, they caught their breath.
Tallest Purple: Hey, everyone! Watch this! Purple turns on a radio signal device.
Smorkan King: Yes, yes, what do you want Irken trash!??!?
Tallest Purple: Yeah, uh, sorry for fighting. We surrender!
Smorkan King: Did you hear that troops, we've won!!! THE GALAXY BELONGS TO........
Just then a missle coming from the massive completely obbliterated the Smorkan Base Vessel.
Everyone in rooms laugh.
Tallest Red: Yeah, we surrender? Yeah, right! You're not getting through the Irken force with me and Purple in charge!
Cuts to Zim in living room with gir, both in disguise.
Zim: Gir, how could you.
Gir just smiles at him.
Zim: Gir, rubber piggies are not worth jepordizing the mission. You could have just giving the kid back his piggy, but you had to.......
Cuts to the frontyard filled with police officers and random military vehicles.
Zim: SELF-DESTRUCT THAT PIGGY IN THE MALL!!!! Gir! You don't seem to understand! The entire Earthen army is at our front door! If we don't hurry, our mission will be a failure!
Army bursts through front door.
Gir is seen sucking on a bowl and Zim's head is stuck in the couch.
Officer: Uhh.........I think we got the wrong guys.....
Army leaves Zim's house.
Zim heavily inhales, than breathes out.
Zim: Yes, another day saved for Operation Impendin Doom 2.
Cuts once again the tallest.
Tallest Red: Ok, ok.....It's seems we have a transmission........Everyone get rid of the party hats and chairs.
Everyone quickly rearranges the area. Then the overhead video thing turned on to reveal a tall irken.
Next chapter soon. Really soon.
P.S. I posted it here because no one on the babble has replied yet :(