ITS NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!HE WAS MY HERO!!!!!!!!!!!I always thought that he would die by like some crocadile eatin him or something......WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN TO HIS KIDS!?!?!!?!???!!!
DOOMEH_DOOM wrote: ITS NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!HE WAS MY HERO!!!!!!!!!!!I always thought that he would die by like some crocadile eatin him or something......WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN TO HIS KIDS!?!?!!?!???!!!
It's OK. Good always happens no matter what...
You never fully apreciate something until it's gone...
I had a family friend who died recently. She had a disease that paralayzed her everywhere except her neck. She communicated by breathing in different ways... I saw her get burried...
DOOMEH_DOOM, you're in luck. Thank you for chosing IZF3. Would you like a CLOSE'D!?!?!?!