According to the map, everybody except zim lives in the USA (he lives in the UK). So doesn't that mean school would start around the same time to all of us. Mine starts a week from Monday. I'm tranferring to a stupid private school... it sucks, almost all my friends go somewhere else. Most go to one that starts a week from today.
I was in Private School last year (whole s------d of HW piled on us all). Hard making friends. DX But now we are overseas, and school doesn't start 'till the 27th. X3 I'm actually quite excited! =3
Bist du mein(e) fruend(in)? ;-; Bitte sagen ja... bitte?
I never have. While other people go to parties, I go to this website. This is the extent of my social life. But bear in mind that there's bound to be other people who don't fit in the popular category either.
I remember last year... *remembers* most of the problems we had in the grade- no, the SCHOOL - had something to do with the horrible clik of popular girls in the class. D=
Bist du mein(e) fruend(in)? ;-; Bitte sagen ja... bitte?
Makes you feel so... emo (for a lack of better words). DX Now that you mention screaming... they would scream so loud (in class) as if it diidn't bother anyone else. And then there's the science teacher... he was old that he had to speak into a microphone to talk to the class. He sat in front of the room, he couldn't see very well, and they took advantage of that. They would eat, talk, walk around the room like nothing, call each other, take out their cellphones/iPods, and do it. D= Sry -_- makes me angry to remember this. >=X
Bist du mein(e) fruend(in)? ;-; Bitte sagen ja... bitte?
My class isn't as bad as that, but they're not that great. In PE my teacher keeps splitting me & my frienda up because she wants us to make friends with more people. But I've found a problem with her plan - I hate almost everyone in my class. Some of them are ok I guess, but if it were up to me I wouldn't ever speak to any of them. Man, that makes me sound awful.
Daw, no it doesn't. X3 In fact, almost all the ppl in my class were popular ppl... so I kinda hated most of them too. XD XD XD If I could, I would avoid most of them. ...And like you, if I was put with them, I wouldn't speak to them either. XD
Bist du mein(e) fruend(in)? ;-; Bitte sagen ja... bitte?