I am a banished Irken, I got banishesd to Deathlend Land. I was the tallest and red and purple got rid of me. I found some other IRKENS and thier names are...
My ins JAG the tallest.
Post your character name and we can team up and destroyeathlings and maybey the evil tallest!!!
I say: Cool you were that asassin? Hey i was banished to this other planet too. There was this other irken named zim he said the great assighning was coming up. He said he was an invader and that he was in empending doom 1. he said he quit being banished. he blew up the planet and i was re banished here. last i heard he was on earth. i have aplan to get rid of the tallest but we need to know who isa good warrior that is zims enemy... do yu know some one?
Dem:A big headed boy that lives on earth.He is one of Zim's mortal enemys.He lives down the streat from me and Zim.He seams to know a lot about us irkens.
I live with Zim cause he's my cousin.He has the same dna as me.
Meatloaf and Gir rule the world!!!yep i am meatloaf i rule the world me&gir are best buds yes that is right you heard it best buds insane in the mebrane
i was trained to but i was to good so that why i am here
Meatloaf and Gir rule the world!!!yep i am meatloaf i rule the world me&gir are best buds yes that is right you heard it best buds insane in the mebrane
DEM:I've already met Dib before.It was an incounter that i know he hasn't forgotten already!If that doesn't work I have hologram disguises here.Well you guys get your butts down to earth so we can get him!*screen turns black indecading she has turned the transmission off*
i call back... i say we are being attacted... send help... make an army with earthlings and banished people and other species and save us all i can say is- the transmission ended... in five seconds you see us tied up and being tortured by a tall showdowy figure and other people...
Dem:I didn' kill her!its only temporary!Till we can get the heck out of here.She'll probably rejenerate in like....I don't know four maybe five hours.Stop being a baby and lets go!!!
Thes:Yah...ok.Oh!I remember!!When you use to get mad at me for stealing your snacks!!You'd rip me to shreds!Thats why Dr.Dooms made a chip so that I could rejenerate!Its only temporary!!!