OK, you know how before I had flash, I animated on powepoint? Well I need a program that will convert powerpoints into a single flash file. Help me plz.
It takes apart .swf files so you can edit them... I'm using it to reprogram Alien Hominid into a ZIM game with much better programming... I think I destroyed a bit of it, though...
Now, back to the matter of my old, but really good, powerpoint s. I need to make them into one flash file. All the ones I've tried make seperate flash files for each slide... Help me, please!
Nope. I heard there's a company that gives 'em out for free. Mine costs 80 bucks.
Alright, on powerpoint, there are slides. I need to convert each one into a big flash file, but everything I have makes seperate files for every slide. Please help.
you can make a picture move around the screen and stuff...
GIR: wait if you destroy dib in the past that means he wont ever be your enemy. then you wont have to send a giantrobot back to destroy him - and then he - WILL be your enemy so you will have to send a robot BACK - (head explodes)