My name is Crystal. I'm my sister, Casie's human creation. Casie is an Irken, who lives an eligal life without her Pak. But I'm always there to make her laugh. And when I can't get to her, I read her diary when she's out with Dib. XD
My S.I.R. unit sister, Sami, is like a best friend to me. We share alot of interests. Like Dib, Blink-182, and Puffy AmiYumi. But we also have our differences. Like, Sami is not as easy to make laugh as I am, and she may look like a sweet little girl, but trust me, she is far from "everything nice" XD
My S.I.R. unit brothers, Ralf and Timy are just plain annoying. Ya'd think they'd be Casie's Girs, but they're not. I'm Casie's Gir! XDDD
I am a silly human girl who is very crazy. and I shall now demonstrate how loco I am, by hitting myself in the head with a very big hammer very hard. *hits self in the head with hammer* Hahaha! Again! *does it again* Hahaha! *again* Hallo! *again* Hallo!
Welcome! Are you still hitting yourself with a hammer? Hitting yourself with a hammer for 24 hours will prove your...supernourmisly crazy! Yeah, that's my word, no stealing!