well, at the begining of Tak: The Hideous New Girl, Tak's voise was high and kinda screechy. it wasnt until after she finished telling her story did her voice get a bit lower, snobbier and got an english accent did anyone realize that?
Actually, I think that kinda happens sometimes when they record things a different times, it's like how at the beggining of IZ Zim's voice was kinda high, but then it got lower when it came to the Second season.But I ain't sure.
Either she is disguising her voice or they thought the voice sucked so they switched voice people for her...
Nah, they wouldn't switch voice-actors in the middle of an episode. IT was just so Tak can hide how old she really is. Remember that Tak and Zim were already full-grown adults in their world.
Yes, Tak and Zim are full grown adults. I don't know why everyone thinks Zim is a smeet. He's short, not an infant. Tak was a cool character, but her voice was a little puzzling as far as the way it was pitched and stuff. The women who played her was in Happy Days, or something. I think I heard that on the DVD commentary...
since when did people start thinking Zim is a smeet? I have no idea exactly how old he is I don't think the show ever mentioned it.All I know is that his age is way beyond that of humans.
i think we should all watch the show, laugh and not care about the voices,besides gir is the real star of invader zim what do you think of his cool/wierd voice.
hey i admit girl is funny and cool Zim's funny too espcially in Backseat Drivers from Beyond the stars he was saying "My tallest" over and over again it was funny espicially the way his voice sounded.
My Tallest! Hey over here! My Tallest! Myyyyy TTALLLESST! Over here! Hey, Hey my Tallest MY TAAAALLLLLLLLLESSSSSSSSTttttt! HEY! My Tallest!
Dib : " You can't make me look, I'll just shut my eyes! "
Zim : " Oh, you'll look, you have to breath sometime..."
Dib : " No I - Wait, what do eyes have to do with breathing? ".
I remembered that quote in the middle of class and i nearly choked trying not to laugh and disrupt everyone. i had to pretend that i was choking on water and wound up disturbing everyone anyway. it was in the middle of silent reading.
I really liked Tak's voice. the woman who did Tak prbably got a sore voice from recording again and again. or something. maybe she just had got more comfortable with the atmosphere or episode or crew or something and was less tense and so her voice sounded different.