Here you add your character and you can all be the evil monkey people also...
(Invader Chunky...played by me)
It is night time...Invader Chunky was eating some poop corn and suddenly some angry monkeys jumped through the windows...Invader Chunky took out his rocket launcher and threw it at him..."O CRAP," said Invader Chunky...then he heard some one comeing in the room to help...
"EEEK...I don't know...stupid planet Vort...I dooo love there comfty couches tho...,"said Invader Chunky. Who was still running around and circles away from the monkeys...
Invader Chunky keeps running and trips over the net...he gets up and cheers...
"Hey first you find a rock in this a trap ball thingy...lucky,"said Invader Chunky.
Yay were done with this mission...
The monkeys start to eat the trap and break it and they start running towards us...Invader Chunky and Invader Kazama run away to outside...where rocks are supose to be...
While the monkeys were beating the crap out of Invader Chunky...he thought about something...wasnt there someone with us...oh...Angel...where did she go...o well...monkeys will eat her...eeek just like they eating me!
Invader Chunky got up and thanked Invader Kazama...then they ran away...and got in a vootrunner which was parked next to the building...they flew around and saw almost a million evil monkeys...we need to defeat the evil monkeys and save all Invaders...
(if you want to join this story if your not in it you can start as being in a voot and we see you or we see you on the ground being attacked or something)
"Monkeys just came here...and captured most of the Invaders but some are still free...we need to find them so we can get help...the monkeys are some how being controlled by a leader...a giant ape or something...I don't know where they have locked the Invaders up at...,"said Invader Chunky. can't even see the's all monkeys...
A laser shot at us and we looked down and saw a monkey with a laser and we went faster to get away from it...our voot's energy is now 96%...
A small voot runner came into view, though it seemed slightly different from teh average voot.It was a deep green colour, with black markings on the sides, and irken symbol printed above the glass front.It looked rather high in artillary, and quite fast,as if it where built to fight.
Though the voot was in distress, as it burst into flames, flying down towards them, a shreik could be heard getting louder as it flew towards them.It even tually crashed behind them, skidding very far before it came to a hault.
There was a loud smash as the glass front was kicked in by a large combat boot.A short irken clambered out, looking rather dizzy.He slid down the front of the ship, landing on the floor face first, he quickly jumped up, dusting his uniform off.
He appeared to be wearing a normal invaders uniform, but with sholder pands sticking out.Large sharp blades attatched to the front of his gloves, and to top it off, he wore a large army helmet with an irken symbol painted, messily on the front, war paint under each large purple eye.
He spied the group behind him and jumped back slightly, he then dived back into his voot, taking out a large gun, that looked like a rocket launcher.He then knelt behind his voot before screaming. "Duck!" He then pulled the trigger, a large florecent yellow light shot over them, landing on a monkey that was about to bite chunky.The monkey was no more but a pile of ashes.
The irken stood up, stretching is arms in the air letting out as yawn.
The irken gave them a blank stare, before after a while walking up to them, tilting his head, his antenna tilting to the side also. "Uh...What planet would this be?...I'm kinda a little lost.." -She blinked, glancing around before looking back at them.
" me...I dont know where we are...just save all us irkens...,"said the Irken...the irken then fell down and died...and she got back in her voot runner...
"Ah!" Angel fell to the ground as she was attacked by a monkey. She kicked it off of her, her face was scratched up because of the monkey's claws, dark blood slowly dripped off her face.