Well i don't have the picture but look in the episode Battle Dib and when dib takes the membrane test at the end when dib gets sucked up in a tube again. In 1 frame dibs nose is gone.
on the dvd there are a lot of goofs i cought!. On almost all them 1-9. ZIMs paints are white! or a light red. and in walk of doom as he says "I'll beat you city and shakes his fist he has no gloves!. and in the epi called ATTACK OF THE SOUCER MORONES after he descovers they took his pig too and he pulls his hands up to his face his gloves are also gone!. they made sooo many cool mistakes on the dvd and i have been trying to cach all them!
Any other good goofs? Heh, it's amazing how we notice stuff like this...
Dib : " You can't make me look, I'll just shut my eyes! "
Zim : " Oh, you'll look, you have to breath sometime..."
Dib : " No I - Wait, what do eyes have to do with breathing? ".
SANTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want a tank a bazooka a uzi the atom bomb the millitary area 51 gaurds darth vader real dalek a terminator tx a rifle a machine gun and the fbi for cristmas! why? so I can kill nickelodean! word to all pirate monkeys! at christmas we destroy nick!
GIR: wait if you destroy dib in the past that means he wont ever be your enemy. then you wont have to send a giantrobot back to destroy him - and then he - WILL be your enemy so you will have to send a robot BACK - (head explodes)
actually I saw that episode and if you look closesly it's coming from the side of his mouth not from the chin wall.
but maybe they wanted everyone to THINK that? heh heh...
GIR: wait if you destroy dib in the past that means he wont ever be your enemy. then you wont have to send a giantrobot back to destroy him - and then he - WILL be your enemy so you will have to send a robot BACK - (head explodes)
also in the sad sad tale of chiken foot the back was unzzipped but he came out of the beak. weird huh?
GIR: wait if you destroy dib in the past that means he wont ever be your enemy. then you wont have to send a giantrobot back to destroy him - and then he - WILL be your enemy so you will have to send a robot BACK - (head explodes)
I've noticed loads of them! I don't look for them, I just notice them. In Walk of Doom when they fall from the roof of the bank that chihuahah Madness is standing on another roof watching them. Tak: the Hideous New Girl, when Dib broke into the weenie stand and she says 'No pictures please!' as she's floating down from the ceiling, pause it & watch it frame by frame and you can see that she's putting her disguise on as she comes down. And in Frycook you can see members of the resisty. The bit where you're seeing it from Zim's point of view when he's in the cosume & it's panning around you see Shloonktipooksis (am I spelling his name right?) but there's lots of the resisty members there. There's more but I can't remember them right now. I'll try put them on here later.
I noticed a couple too... but can't seem to remember them except this one:
Tak, The Hideous New Girl:
When Tak destroys the front of Zim's base with her laser cutters, and Zim looks back at her, he doesn't have his contacts on... yet the next time they show him he has them back on again. O_o
Bist du mein(e) fruend(in)? ;-; Bitte sagen ja... bitte?
The Nightmare Begins: Two Purples?When Red is turning towards the Invaders, his eyes turn purple. When he turns back to the crowd, his eyes go back to the pinkish-color.
Backseat Drivers from Beyond the Stars: Two Lard Nars? When Lard Nar turns his head, he momentarily is two-headed.
Tak: The Hideous new Girl: Sudden Loss of Contacts?Zim's contacts are gone momentarily, when Tak is jumping out of his base.
The Frycook what Came from all that Space: Tallest Red at Foodcourtia For this one, look at the top left hand corner in the crowd of aliens - you can see Red behind one of the cloaked Resisty Members. It is better to see this when watchng the episode.
Quite sure there's more, but I'm kinda lazy at the moment. ^^;
-- Edited by Kalliah at 03:48, 2007-08-14
Bist du mein(e) fruend(in)? ;-; Bitte sagen ja... bitte?
Game Slave 2 - When Gaz is inside the elevator with Iggins, as they're speeding down, the elevator panel's numbers are speeding down. If you look carefully at the numbers, you will see that the numbers skip the 70's and go straight from 80 to 60.
Bist du mein(e) fruend(in)? ;-; Bitte sagen ja... bitte?
There is NOT supposed to be a road behind Zim's house! XD
they normally put that there just for a joke to see if people notice... but I was listening to the commentary on my box set and they said it was a genuine mistake. AND they said they would fix it. but they DIDNT. liars.
GIR: wait if you destroy dib in the past that means he wont ever be your enemy. then you wont have to send a giantrobot back to destroy him - and then he - WILL be your enemy so you will have to send a robot BACK - (head explodes)
this is from the nightmare begins. DIB HAS NO PANTS!!!! for some reason.
GIR: wait if you destroy dib in the past that means he wont ever be your enemy. then you wont have to send a giantrobot back to destroy him - and then he - WILL be your enemy so you will have to send a robot BACK - (head explodes)
and in this image the fat lady isnt wearing shoes but she is later on in the episode.
GIR: wait if you destroy dib in the past that means he wont ever be your enemy. then you wont have to send a giantrobot back to destroy him - and then he - WILL be your enemy so you will have to send a robot BACK - (head explodes)