I am Gir..Ok no I am not.. but I love gir! The whole thing started when I was introduced into Johnny The Homicidal Maniac, Then I had heard that Jhonen had a cartoon out and I watched it I immediately fell in love with the Cartoon. This cartoon is Invader Zim. I will watch the same episode thirty or more times and not get tired of it. I wish there was more that would continue.. Ok Thanks! Rae
Well, I am the Irken Dictator, that has basically hanging iin RWaM all this time. I got inot zim a bit late, actually just last February. I am really into Zim and the Zim Collectables, I have an entire collection, including one prototype.
I am not exactly sure what else to say about myself.
Hello... I joined this forum, like a few months ago, but had not found the time to do anything with it untill tonight. Well...I love Invader Zim and Johnen, obviously, and I want to discuss it. Okay I'm done. \m/!
I am Page or Nny as on my site-thingy sumtimes... Just don't call me book... AND... I guess you can tell what I like... JTHM and IZ... Yeah.... The weird thing is that I know almost everything about JTHM but I don't have a single comic... YET!!!! I am most likely getting them this weekend... NOW APPLAUD ME TINY HUMANS!
Oops I forgot to intruduce myself!I am THE ALMIGHTY DOOMEH_DOOM!!!!I SHALL CAUSE DOOM AND INSANITY TO ALL!!!!!!MWUHAHAHAH!!!!I'm a little insane myself.As you can tell.
im ZID it stands for Zim In Darobot I didn't add an r cause it didnt look as cool,im ZIM inside of GIR after he malfuntioned but something weent wrong and my brain and GIR's brain were fused together so now were ZID
I think Tony Hawk's American Wasteland is easy...but not Crash Banditcoot:Twin Sanity I've been playing that game for 2 years and still haven't beaten it!
I meant making them.I beat Fire Emblem 2 in a week! And I decompiled a code for a game, and I want to make it into a ZIM game, but I need the permission of the peole who coded it...
I know you meant making them......idk why i talked about playing vidgames....i was bored...like i am now...