~ Many, many requests (holy **** I need to stop accepting them XD)
- Hey, anyone know where I can buy/download a Photoshop Porgram compatible w/Mac OSX? Ppl on dA know I've asked this already...
~ FanFiction ^^ (Too many) - Plus, I'm kind of editing the RP in a text editing program to kind of... follow the lines of an actual story X3 I guess you could call it a compilation XD
~ Have a mucho huge desire to make IZ Music Vids DX
- I have MacTheRipper, but I have no clue how to convert the ripped files so I can use them in iMovie D'X Help!
Tiz all for now, I'll let u know on an update. X)
Bist du mein(e) fruend(in)? ;-; Bitte sagen ja... bitte?
Its a program. Search on google. I have Photoshop CS2. Its pretty good. I'm sure thats on there. FIND ONE WITH LOTS OF SEEDERS. After the download search in finder for Activity Monitor and quit Azureus. (it runs in the background and slows down your comp.)