well, i'm Irken Angel, call me Mira or Irken Angel i dont care which. my friend Irken Outcast, or Smooger is here with me. we gonna start a roleplay! woo! this is us together. i'm the evil one, on the left, she the confused and disturbed one on the right.
hmmm. k. one problem. no subject. help us! we need a subject and characters...
Smooger walked down the corridor, to her new chamber. after weeks of waiting and paperwork, she would finally be Tallest. It had taken two years being stretched on the rack, but she was finally ready. an evil chuckle escaped her lips.
Hmmm..... Okay, I have an idea for a subject! Smooger has become tallest but others are lurking and waitn to overthrow her.A rabid fight for becoming the tallest, no matter if the person is tall or not, is about to break out.You can trust no one and help no one.Or can you? That's all I got....Any who, I shall play as Dem and Thes. Here:
height-5ft. 3in. weight-96 features-blue eyes,always wearing a black trench coat.Has a comunicator on his right antennae. eye color-blue weapon(s)-under his trench coat he's packed with diffrent weapons. type-unknown date of birth-unknown gender-male species-irken background-Is Dem's brother, even though they've never met.Was actually Dr.Dooms son.Not much is known about him except that he's looking for Dem. allies-no one in perticular. enemies-unkown first appearance-in some lab on irk powers-awareness of the unknown other-is making a project of ultiment power
height-5ft. weight-unknown features-blue trench coat, with a pink under shirt.Has a comunicator on her left antennea eye color-purple weapon(s)-a laser gun that is strapped to her leg type-exinvader date of birth-unknown gender-female species-irken background- She was created as a super weapon to pretect irk.At 14 she went insane and killed hundreds of irkens.She was banned from irk and didn't know what for.She had never known she wasa weapon.She still doesn't.She was bannedand sent to earth.Thats what that sticky on the map is for. allies-anyone who is nice to her enemies-she doesn't know, but half of irk is her enemy. first appearance-in a test tube powers-unspeakable powers that is forbiden to be talked about on irk. other-Has a sir unit named Mir that likes to dress up as a cow.
Mira checked her watch. she had to find Smooger quickly-Smooger had said it was urgent. stupid earth traffic! Mira was stuck in a traffic jam, trying to get back to her base, and her voot. stupid traffic.
in the mean time, the old tallests were plotting to get there rightful place again
3 hours later... "finally," Mira muttered, storming through her door. her SIR, Gem, saluted and started to announce that there had been 2 phone calls while she had been gone but she flicked his mute button. she had built Gem herself, just like her voot, so they both had cool features. she had come to earth because she didnt agree with the way the Tallest Red and Purple ran the empire.
P.S. Mira is not my actual name, it is my alias, for eveything, pretty much. ya, so it says my name is Mira in my profile thing and in the roleplay but ya. Invader Mira, signing off!
cidle-hello... my tallest... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... somethings gone wrong....its not good... we are.......uhhhh......being........ attacted by........ something... scream and run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11