My He can't make up his first...he's like...."YOU KNOW WHAT?!?!*rips computer out" Next Day: "Lalalalala!!!I love you all!!!!*hooks computer up*." So now I'm back... I'm sry for killing you.:( Thankyou.....My sometimes....
Either we need more admins, or all need to join BBRP, because this place is practiacally dead now that their are no active admins... GIRDF needs to get more admins, but he never comes on. :(
your...your.... BACK! *Runs leaping to hug you* I missed you! I thought you wouldn't be on so I didn't bother to get on! WHY?! NEVER LEAVE ME AGAIN! I MISSED YOU! *sobs* soooooooo dramatic. well happy your back. so whats with this admin thing?
If your kissing the black rose where does the blue one go?
We only have 3 admins.Me, Girdf, and IZSBHR.So if one stops getting on we'll have very few...even though we have very few to begin with.So...yah.I think that's it.
IZSBHR wrote: Either we need more admins, or all need to join BBRP, because this place is practiacally dead now that their are no active admins... GIRDF needs to get more admins, but he never comes on. :(
I rarely come one now, too :'(
HECK, your lucky i get on the DD... Its really busy here and... MY UNCLES ARE COMING
Girdf said we ARENT dead because there was a LOT of people on during the sumer... lets wait... but untill then lets go to BBRP i guess...